
2017-06-10 00:24

尽管这个过程有点排斥,没有对工作的夫妇的需求中有很高的赞美给课程,儿童和家庭事务部在挪威的这三年的国家项目。它的出发点是为更多的人服务。一天的课程和周末课程都在运行。它的目的是“加强沟通,strenghtning关系和防止离婚家庭残疾儿童”(Hareide)的反馈是非常积极的。超过九百profecionals所积聚的课程的一部分。2003, 240人在两天的会议参加。由于大米达覆盖本课程受到了广大公众越来越意识到这些问题。这一切都来自于八年的第一次重要的谈话。有一件事可以说这篇文章“听父母让他们的声音被听到,让他们说些什么,应该做的”(Hareide)如果我们打开人们的家庭和工作的需要,在我们的日常生活,这是一个重要的包裹,这一研究(戴维森和流浪者,1982年4月)谈论一个特别支持系统设置,方便那些有残疾的孩子的家庭可以从中受益。过渡到亲子关系通常是一个相对较短的时期,而成为一个发育迟缓的孩子的父母可能是突然的,要适应这种新生活需要更长的时间。
Althouh this course was a little exclusive and didn't cather to the needs of working couples there was extremly high praise given to the course.Ministry of Children and Family Affairs in Norway made this a three year national initiative project. It sets out to cater for a greater range of people. One day courses and weekend courses are ran. It is aimed at "enhancing communication, strenghtning relationships and preventing divorce in families with disabled children" (Hareide) the feedback is very positive. More than nine hundred profecionals have taken part in build-up courses. In a two day confrence in 2003, 240 people took part. Due to the large mida cover this course has received the general public have become more aware of these issues.All this came from within eight years of that first all important conversation. One thing can be said from this article "listen to the parents and let their voice be heard and let them have a say on what should be done" (Hareide) This is a crusial if we are to open peoples eyes to the needs of families and work on inclusion in our everyday lives.In this next study (Davison & Dosser, April 1982) talk about how a special support system set up to facilitate families who have a developmentally disabled child can benefit them. The transition to parenthood is normally a relatively short period whereas becoming a parent to a developmentally disabled child can be sudden and it takes a lot longer to become accustomed to this new life.