
2018-08-04 21:58

今天的一代对艺术、科学、历史和数学不怎么关心;他们更感兴趣的是像金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)今天在做什么,或者碧昂丝(Beyonce)的新专辑即将发行。你可以问几乎所有的千禧一代是谁,他们几乎总是会给你正确的答案,然而当你问一些严肃的问题,比如行政部门拥有什么权力,很多人都会回答不出来。这是因为由于我们的数字时代,千禧一代需要高级刺激。人类的大脑具有可塑性,能够适应所处的环境,千禧一代的大脑已经形成,能够从我们的电脑、电视和电话中即时获取知识;因为千禧一代在生活中的其他地方都需要同样程度的刺激。史蒂文约翰逊的书中一切坏对你是有好处的,他认为他所谓的“睡眠曲线”:数字时代的流行文化和互联网,电影,电视和视频游戏实际上是智力营养(9)。今天的技术流行文化是非常有益的,如电子游戏如何改善解决问题,或电视剧如何提高批判性思维。这似乎与之前的说法形成了鲜明的对比,然而三位作者的观点并非相互排斥。鲍雷因、邮递员和约翰逊最终都代表了极端。然而,他们做了一些正确的事情;Bauerlein的观点是正确的,他认为大众文化有积极的好处,Johnson的观点是正确的,Postman关于我们日益紧密的社会正在减少信息的价值的观点是正确的。现实是三者中一个快乐的媒介。简而言之,数字时代不一定对你有害;然而,教育的衰落是无法否认的。
The generation of today does not care as much today about the Arts, Science, History, and Math; they are more interested in things like what Kim Kardashian is doing today, or when Beyonce's new album is coming out. You can ask almost any millennial who the Kardashians are and they will almost always give you the correct answer, however when you ask serious questions such as what powers the executive branch holds-many will draw a blank. This is because the millennial generation requires advanced stimuli due to our digital age. The human brain has plasticity in the sense that it will adapt to the environment it is placed in, and the millennial brain has molded to the instantaneous access of knowledge from our computers, televisions, and phones; because of that millennials demand that same level of stimulation everywhere else in their lives. In Steven Johnson's book Everything Bad Is Good For You, he argues for what he calls the "Sleeper Curve": that the digital age of popular culture and with it the internet, movies, tv, and video games are actually intellectually nutritional (9). The technological popular culture of today can be very beneficial, such as how videogames can improve problem solving, or how television dramas can improve critical thinking. That probably seems like it is in stark contrast to what was said previously, however the arguments of all three authors are not mutually exclusive. Bauerlein, Postman, and Johnson all ultimately represent extremes. They do however get a few things right; Bauerlein is correct in stating there is a growing overall knowledge deficit, Johnson is correct in saying popular culture has positive benefits, and Postman is right about our increasingly connected society diminishing the value of information. Reality is within a happy medium of all three. In short, the digital age is not necessarily bad for you; however, it is impossible deny the educational decline in our society.