
2018-12-18 16:48

在人际关系中,妥协也很重要。它不可能只是关于一个人,或者是一段注定要失败的单向关系。弗洛伊德认为,重要的是强调兴奋和积极,建设性地处理冲突,有现实的期望,管理辩证紧张(362-367)。对于我和我的男朋友来说,我们试着顺其自然,经常做一些不寻常的事情;强调兴奋。就像在约会之夜,当菲尔和克莱尔福斯特因为每天的例行公事都一样而有问题的时候,恋爱关系可能会有问题当每一天的事情都一样的时候。当他们在一家餐馆预订另一对情侣时,被误认为是小偷,差点被追上,差点被杀。在经历了所有被追逐和差点被杀的兴奋之后,他们的关系变得更好了,因为在经历了所有的兴奋之后,他们更欣赏彼此了。改变日常的日程安排有时可以帮助你摆脱人际关系问题。我们也试着感谢对方,我们所做的事情只是为了让彼此快乐,这样我们双方都知道我们感激我们为彼此所做的;强调积极性。建设性地处理冲突是最重要的,因为我所见过的每一段关系中都有冲突,如果不建设性地处理冲突,显然会导致一段不健康的关系。现实的期望有助于维持一段关系的秩序。你不能期望一个人为了和另一个人在一起而完全放弃他/她的生活。为了公平,两国关系必须保持平衡。管理辩证张力就是处理两种相反的需要(Floyd 366)。另一种帮助感情的方法是接受他们本来的样子,而不是试图改变他们。你应该爱一个人因为他/她是谁,如果你不能接受那个人因为他/她是谁,你不应该和他/她在这篇论文中,我解释了什么使一段关系成功,以及什么可以使一段关系更好。每对夫妻的关系都是不同的,没有一种处理关系或问题的方法。确保你爱,尊重,关心你爱的人,试着理解彼此的观点和信仰,即使你不完全同意你的另一半。
Compromise is important in relationships also. It can never just be about one person, or it is a one-road relationship that is bound to fail. According to Floyd, it’s important to emphasize excitement and positivity, handle conflict constructively, have realistic expectations, and manage dialectical tensions (362-367.) For my boyfriend and I, we try to be spontaneous and do things out of the ordinary on a regular basis; that emphasizes excitement. Just like in Date Night, when Phil and Claire Foster have problems because of having the same every day routine, romantic relationships may have problems when things are the same every single day. When they are chased and almost killed after being mistaked for thieves when they took another couples reservations at a restaurant. After all the excitement of being chased and almost killed, their relationship was much better because they appreciated each other much more after all the excitement. A change in a mundane schedule sometimes can help to get away from relationship problems. We also try to thank each other for things that we do just to make each other happy, so that both of us know we appreciate what we do for one another; that emphasizes positivity. Handling conflict constructively is the most important, because there is conflict in every relationship that I have seen and if conflict isn’t handled constructively, it could obviously lead to an unhealthy relationship. Realistic expectations help to keep order in a relationship. You can’t expect a person to completely drop his/her life to be with another person. There has to be balance in the relationship for it to be fair. Managing dialectical tension is dealing with two opposite needs (Floyd 366). Another way to help a relationship is to accept the person for who they are and not to try to change who they are. You should love a person for who he/she is, and if you can’t accept that person for who he/she is, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with him/her In this paper, I explained what makes a relationship successful, and what can be done to make a relationship better. Every couple’s relationship is different and there is not one way to go about handling a relationship, or its problems. Make sure you love, respect, and show care for the person you love, and try to understand each other’s opinions and beliefs, even if you don’t exactly agree with your significant other.