
2018-02-16 16:04

当考虑到vark风格时,很明显,一些教学方法更适合于特定的学习者。视觉型学习者发现的教学方法包括有利于学习的视觉辅助。听觉型学习者喜欢听(管理Hoy 2010)。读者或作家学习者喜欢参考书籍并记下笔记。动觉型学习者通过做来学习。他们主要依靠触觉。有些情况下,学习者喜欢的模式由以上描述的两个或两个以上组成。体验式学习:体验式学习既可以是通过经验学习,也可以是运用所学到的知识。根据Kolb和Fry(1976)的说法,学习包括一个包括经验、观察和经验、形成抽象概念和测试新情况的循环。这个循环可以从这四个点中的任何一个开始。仅仅因为经验被提及,并不意味着它永远是循环的第一步。
When the vark styles are taken into consideration, then it is clear that some teaching methods are better suited for specific learners. Visual learners find teaching methods that include visual aids favorable to learning. Auditory learners prefer to listen (Administrate Hoy 2010). Reader or writer learners like to refer to books and take down notes. Kinesthetic learners learn by doing. They rely mostly on their sense of touch. There are instances where a learner's preferred mode consists of two or more of those described above.Experiential Learning: Experiential learning can either involve learning through experience or applying what one has learned instantly to a pertinent setting. According to Kolb and Fry (1976), learning involves a cycle that includes experience, observation and experience, forming abstract concepts, and testing new situations. The cycle can begin at any one of these four points. Just because experience is mentioned first does not mean that it is always the first step in the cycle.