
2019-12-03 00:14

父母苛求的期望给孩子们带来了巨大的压力,他们可能会永远陪伴在他们身边。我们的研究表明这与完美主义有关。它以微妙的方式传播。这是一种模仿效应,因此过分关注错误的父母也会养育出同样关注错误的孩子。还有一种人际关系效应,通过一个在孩子生活中过分挑剔和苛求的权威人物来传递(Harnish)。在我的个人经历中,通过几次心理治疗,我几乎把我所有的行为模式都与我的父母在我整个青春期教我如何行动和反应联系起来。根据他们的反应,不管是赞扬还是反对,我还是个孩子的时候,就对这些行为产生了兴趣。很自然地,当我在没有正面话语的情况下被否定时,我对自己和自己的能力感到很糟糕。可悲的是,即使是我的消极行为也受到父母的影响,看到他们的行为对他们有益,就像我还是个孩子一样。InLight Coaching的创始人兼首席教练斯维特拉娜•惠特纳(Svetlana Whitener)说:“你需要了解成功人士和完美主义者之间的区别。他们的目标都是取得优异的成绩。然而,完美主义者专注于最终的结果,并不真正享受实现目标的过程。下图代表了一个完美主义者扭曲的思想,下面是绿色部分,绿色部分是标准目标设定的公认部分。
 Exacting expectations of parents put critical pressure on kids that can stick with them forever. Our studies show that is associated with perfectionism. It’s transmitted in subtle ways. There’s a modeling effect, so that parents who are obsessively concerned with mistakes raise children who are, too. And there’s an interpersonal effect, transmitted by an authority figure in a child’s life who is overly critical and demanding (Harnish).In my personal experience, through several therapy sessions, I have connected almost all my behavior patterns to how my parent taught me to act and react throughout my adolescence. Based on their responses, whether it was praise or disapproval, as a child I took on these behaviors. Naturally, when I received disapproval without positive words as well, I felt poorly about myself and my abilities. Sadly, even my negative behaviors are mirrored from my parents, seeing their actions benefiting them, as I was a child. Svetlana Whitener, Founder & Chief Coaching Officer at InLight Coaching, states, “You need to understand the difference between a high achiever and a perfectionist. They both aim for an excellent outcome. However, the perfectionist is absorbed with end results and doesn’t really enjoy the journey of getting there” (Whitener). The following diagram represents the distorted thinking of a perfectionist, following from the green section, which is the accepted section for standard goal setting.