
2017-01-05 23:25

In order to get a better idea of the product segmentation process, a simple questionnaire was designed where the consumer preferences was sought in order to design the market segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy for Nestlé Ski Strawberry and Raspberry Flavor. The survey was conducted in the campus that consists of 20 students. The results of the activity have been depicted in Figure 1 that will be used for the market segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy. The questionnaire that has been used for the data collection could be found in Appendix A of the paper. The marketing research activity reflects that the more than 67% of the population consumes more than 10 packs of yogurt during a month. On the other hand the Taste and organic qualities of yogurt appears to be the prime concern while purchasing yogurt and positioning on the basis of these two dimensions could enable the Nestlé Ski Strawberry and Raspberry Flavor an added advantage over the rival and could better position the brand in the market. 

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