明尼苏达代写Essay 营销定位

2016-12-25 13:46

营销定位可能被视为意味着通过影响一个组织目标市场的行为通过有效沟通的优势和核心价值的产品或服务提供的组织。根据奥尔登et al .,(1999)定位的过程是一个组织”创建一个图像或身份的思想目标市场的产品,品牌,或组织”。组织享有的形象在市场营销定位工作的直接结果,通常由相对于该公司在市场上的竞争对手。Czerniawski &马宏升(1999)指出,通常出现在我们脑海的名字当我们倾听到一个特定类别的产品,因为产品已经定位,传达到目标市场的形式有效的市场定位战略。根据为了得到适当的优势与定位相关的策略,一个组织应该一致的知识和理解的目标市场和营销传播的组织设计应考虑到目标市场的看法。例如,如果丫市议会希望定位作为英超组织工作的人加入组织的好处以及安全的环境,它应该首先有一个适当的理解的组织的成员加入人民委员会和在适当的理解设计其营销传播消息,应该使组织能够完成所需的位置。

明尼苏达代写Essay 营销定位

Marketing positioning may be regarded as mean through which an organization influence the behavior of the target market by effectively communicating the strengths and the core values of the product or services offered by the organization. According to Alden et al., (1999) positioning is the process through which an organization "creates an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization". The image that an organization enjoys in the market is the direct result of the marketing positioning efforts that are usually made relative to the firm's competitors in the market. Czerniawski & Maloney, (1999) have pointed out that the first name that usually appears in our mind when we listen about a particular category of product is because the product has been positioned and that has been convey to the target market in the form of effective market positioning strategy.
According to in order to get the appropriate advantages associated with the positioning strategy, an organization should have consistent knowledge and understandings of its target market and on the marketing communication of the organization should be designed taking into consideration the perceptions of the target market. For example if Yass City Council wishes to position itself as the premier organization working for the benefits of the people who have join the organization as well as the safety of the environment, it should first have an appropriate understanding of the members of the organization who have join the council and upon the appropriate understandings of the people should design its marketing communication messages that should enable the organization to accomplish the desired position in the area.