
2018-07-27 13:53

QR码。二维码在寻宝游戏中的应用激起了我极大的兴趣,以至于我把它应用到了我的课堂上。第一次尝试有很多问题,因为我做的设计太复杂了,所以很难组织。我做了30道题,每道有3个变型,20条不同的路线。虽然我有一些学生帮助我,但结果是有点噩梦般的准备一切。不过,好在我的学生们玩得很开心,这就足以让他们要求再找一次。从我的第一次经验中,我删除了这些路线,取而代之的是对那些二维码最多的群体进行简单的寻宝游戏。你可以想象在活动中引起的骚动,每个人都在跑,大喊大叫,结果很好。除了二维码的使用,我还可以应用的一个概念是Que教授对数字鸿沟的讨论。这项活动要求学生必须有一个智能手机和一个二维码阅读器,所以我调查了我所有的班级,看看是否有足够的团队来开展工作。幸运的是,我们得以继续前进。如果我没有接触过EdTech 210的讨论,我可能不会想到这一点。
QR codes. The application of QR codes in a scavenger hunt intrigued me so much that I applied it in my class. The first try had a lot of problems since the design that I made was too complicated and hence, too difficult to organize. I made 30 problems with 3 variations each and 20 different routes. Although I had some students assist me, it turned out to be a little of a nightmare preparing everything. The good thing though was my students really had fun and it was enough for them to request for a second hunt. Learning from my first experience, I eliminated the routes and instead executed a plain scavenger hunt giving bonuses to the groups with the most number of QR codes. You could just imagine the ruckus resulting during the activity, everybody was running and shouting and it turned out well. Aside from the use of QR codes, one concept that I was also able to apply was Professor Que’s discussion of the digital divide. The activity required that students had to have a smart phone and a QR code reader so I surveyed all my classes to check if there were enough for the groups to work on. Luckily, there were so were able to proceed. This might not have occurred to me had I not been exposed to the discussions in EdTech 210.