
2018-10-04 23:35

在过去的20年里,政治世界向女性敞开了大门。在那之前,通常有一个女人在一个伟人背后的阴影里,在那里,她更多的是为了媒体而不是她的意见而装饰照片。70年代末,法国选出了三位女部长。这是一个转折点。当妇女在法国抵抗运动中表现出她们的勇敢并在战争结束两年后才获得选举权时,矛盾就出现了。妇女投票权之后不久,平等法案也被宣布通过。这种使妇女处于有条件地位的做法对我们来说是痛苦的,现在对寻求限制自己身份的我们的男性同行来说也是痛苦的。现在,女性在成长过程中开始独立思考,她们想从生活中得到什么,她们要做什么才能得到自己需要的东西。这是一场真正的文化大革命。如果条件已经开始改变,那么女性将成为女性并了解自己。因此,他们知道自己将成为决策者,不是通过人的创造而是通过自己的创造而成为活跃的公民。这一基本步骤自1968年5月以来一直在进行,尽管自古以来的前兆就在努力改变这一状况。西蒙娜·德·波伏娃(Simone de Beauvoir)成功创办了妇女权利联盟(league for Women’s Rights),并成为计划生育的激进分子。
The political world has opened up it’s doors to women within the last twenty years. Before that time there was usually a woman behind a great man in the shadows and there to decorate the photographs for the press more than for her opinions. In France there were three woman ministers elected in the late 70’s. This was a turning point. The paradox comes in when women fought in the French resistance showing their bravery and didn’t obtain the right to vote until two years after the war was over. The equality act was also pronounced shortly after women’s right to vote. This maintaining of women in a conditioned status has been painful for us and is now becoming painful to our male counterparts who are seeking the limits of their own identity. Women are now brought up and beginning to think for themselves, what they want out of life, what they are going to do to get what they need. This is a true cultural revolution. If the conditioning has begun to change then women shall become women and know themselves. Thus knowing themselves they will become decision makers, and active citizens not through man’s making but through their own. This fundamental step has been operating since May 1968 even though precursors since ancient times have been trying to change this. Simone de Beauvoir succeeded in starting the league for Women’s Rights and was a militant for family planning.