英国南安普顿代写Essay 领导力

2020-05-29 00:03

领导力特质是领导力属性的一部分。自远古以来,特质方法一直与领导的成功和效率联系在一起,从而导致高绩效。当一个领导者影响他的追随者时,这种重复的趋势就会形成一种模式,而这种模式又会影响领导者的行为。麦克米伦为建立自己的声誉和公司竭尽全力。这个领导人是一个可爱的,有亲和力的人,过着低调的生活,远离丑闻,这使得他干净的身份,使他在他的领导有效。除此之外,mcmillion也承认沃尔玛的智慧和领导力的重要性。这所塔尔萨大学的MBA毕业生猎头来自斯坦福大学等知名大学的商科毕业生(5Walmart Inc., 2018)。作为一个领导者,他懂得分析和创造智慧的重要性。作为一个在沃尔玛工作了一辈子的人,他的实用知识是毋庸置疑的。作为一个领导他知道组织的优缺点和不断实现.Throughout他的领导在沃尔玛工作,Mc百万的特征表明,他是一个知识渊博的领导者知道情报领导的好处包括有效解决问题的创造性和新颖性制作解决方案,通过预测更好的判断和决策环境和市场。Mc Million在海洋模型的所有五个因素中都处于领先地位。他对经验的高度开放反映在他做事情的方式与组织的前任领导人不同。他乐于尝试新事物,为公司的业绩增加价值。他的外向性体现在他与追随者和顾客互动的方式上。Mc百万型领导经常走访不同的部门,了解他们每天面临的挑战。他与他的追随者相处得很好,不害怕从任何人那里获得想法,包括配送人员。他能很好地接受批评,当他被媒体抨击时,他保持冷静,这表明他的神经质程度很高。在他的领导道路上,他始终保持专注和目标导向。
英国南安普顿代写Essay 领导力
Leadership traits are part of leadership attributes. Traits approach has since time immemorial been associated with leadership success and effectiveness leading to high performance. The recurrence trends when a leader influences followers create a pattern which then feeds into leadership behavior As a leader Mc Million incorporates intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence when leading Wal-Mart. Mc Million has worked tooth and nail in building his reputation and the corporation. This leader is a likable, relatable individual who stays leads a low key life, staying away from scandals and this makes his clean identity make him effective in his leadership.In addition to the above, Mc Million acknowledges the importance of intelligence and leadership at Wal-Mart. This University of Tulsa MBA graduate headhunts Business graduates from high profile universities such as Stanford University (5Walmart Inc., 2018). As a leader he appreciates the importance of analytic and creative intelligence .As an individual who has worked his entire life at Wal-Mart Mc Million’s practical knowledge is unquestionable. As a leader he knows the organization’s weaknesses and strengths and continually works towards achieving that .Throughout his leadership at Wal-Mart, Mc Million’s traits show that he is a knowledgeable leader who is aware of the benefits of intelligence in leadership which include effective problem solving creativity and novelty in crafting solutions, better judgement and make decisions through predict the environment and the market.Mc Million is a leader who is rated high in all the five factors of the OCEAN model. His high levels of openness to experience are reflected in how he does things differently from the previous leader of the organization. He is open to trying new things which add value to the organization’s performance. His extraversion is seen in the way he interacts with his followers and customer. Mc Million is the type of leader who frequently visits different departments to find out their challenges they face daily. He gets along well with his followers and is not afraid to get ideas from anyone, including delivery staff. He takes criticism well as he remain calm when he is being bashed by the media, showing that his level of neuroticism is high. He remain focus and goal oriented in his leadership path.