
2018-04-11 20:50

在消费者眼中,某些时尚决定很重要。根据Durgee(1986)的说法,时尚是“个人在个人的内在需求、价值和兴趣的基础上感知到的时尚。”“它有5个不同的阶段,即时尚创新和购买时间,时尚人际传播,时尚兴趣,时尚知识,时尚意识和对时尚潮流变化的反应。”消费者的态度影响了时尚参与程度(Summers et al., 2006),而参与程度则影响消费者的选择。与那些在时尚行业中地位低下的消费者相比,那些高度涉足时尚行业的消费者们,他们在时尚和奢侈品牌的早期尝试和适应。高度参与的个人总是会分享有关最近品牌的信息,他们会监测这些趋势。时尚和奢侈品对Michael Kors品牌有积极的态度,这是因为该公司生产高质量的产品。这影响了消费者对品牌的态度。在国外经济中,参与程度也会影响消费者对Michael Kors品牌的态度。根据理论或理性的行动(Ajzen和Fishbein, 1980;Fishbein和Ajzen, 1975)指出,消费者的行为意向受到他们对这种行为的态度的影响。年轻的女性消费者对从Michael Kors购买时装和奢侈品有积极的态度,这影响了他们的购买意愿。这帮助建立了消费者对品牌的信任,他们与品牌的关系,这反过来又导致了Michael Kors产品在亚洲、欧洲和美国市场的销售增长。
Certain fashion decisions are important in the eyes of the consumers. According to Durgee (1986) fashion involvement “as an individual’s perceived relevance of fashion on the basis of an individual’s innate needs, values, and interest.” It has 5 different phases i.e. fashion innovativeness and time of purchase, fashion interpersonal communication, fashion interest, fashion knowledgeability, and fashion awareness and reaction to changing fashion trends. The attitude of the consumers influenced the level of fashion involvement (Summers et al., 2006) while the level of involvement if influences the choice of the consumers. Consumers who are highly involved in the fashion industry they experiment and adapt early to the recent tastes in fashion and luxury brands compared to consumers who are lowly involved in the fashion industry. Individuals who are highly involved will always share information concerning recent brands and they will monitor the trends. Fashion and luxury goods enthusiastic have a positive attitude towards the Michael Kors brands this is because the company produces quality products. This has influenced the consumer’s attitude concerning the brand. In the foreign economies, the level of involvement also influences the attitude of the consumer’s concerning the Michael Kors brand.  According to the theory or reasoned action (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975), it states that the behavioral intention of the consumers is influenced by their attitudes towards that behavior. Young female consumers have a positive attitude towards the purchase of fashion and luxury items from Michael Kors this influences their purchase intentions. This has helped build the consumers trust on the brand, their involvement with the brand, which as in turn lead to an increase in the sale of Michael Kors products in the Asian, Europe, and the US markets.