
2017-03-17 01:29

在这里,我们可以清楚地看到缺乏正确的角度和直墙的影响,除了解散的形式,允许艺术家翻译一些更古怪的想法,新艺术的砖和迫击炮的公民建筑。建筑物的结构似乎是由一系列在自然森林的石缝里想起。从这个角度来看,我们可以理解的程度,自然(特别是在自然的操纵形式和光)的冲击后,高迪的极端的艺术风格的诠释与外部的米拉部署“源于自然的形式使用曲线”。(莫菲特,法西奥和伍德豪斯,2008:434)因此,我们可以看到艺术和建筑,至于Antoni Gaudi,自然最后的避难所;在野外重现生动见证了不可思议的形式,当代城市建筑。 从米拉外观和在建筑本身的局限,我们可以看到建筑师的另一大爱好–天然金属啮合的证据(特别是铁和铜)与建筑物的石头框架。如果,例如,我们停下来检查公寓楼安置在Casa Mila复杂的阳台(图2)我们可以看到高迪用金属作为进一步加强结构与性质的一种手段。


Here we can clearly see the impact of the lack of right angles and straight walls in addition to the dissolution of form that has permitted the artist to translate some of the more outlandish ideas of art nouveau into the bricks and mortar of a civic building. The structure of the building appears as though is constructed of a serious of alcoves reminiscent of the forest in nature. Viewed from this perspective, we can understand the extent to which nature (especially the way in which nature manipulated form and light) impinged upon Gaudi’s extremist interpretation of art nouveau with the exterior of the Casa Mila deploying “the use of curves derived from natural forms.” (Moffett, Fazio and Wodehouse, 2008:434) Thus, we can see how art and architecture were, as far as Antoni Gaudi was concerned, the last refuge of nature; the incredulous forms witnessed in the wild recreated in vivid, contemporary urban architecture.
Looking beyond the exterior of the Casa Mila and within the confines of the building itself, we can see evidence of the architect’s other great passion – the intermeshing of natural metals (particularly iron and copper) with the stone framework of the building. If, for example, we pause to examine the balconies of the apartment buildings housed within the Casa Mila complex (figure 2) we can see how Gaudi used metal as a means of further strengthening the structure’s association with nature.