
2017-04-06 00:35

 more likely scenario is that unions embrace these new representative groups, which are increasing faster than union membership is decreasing (Metcalf 2003) Studies show that British workers possess an “overwhelming desire” for collective rather than individual workplace solutions and more influence over decisions made at work. However, unions are not viewed as the single unified source of the collective voice, rather, they are viewed as part of a broader collective framework that includes work councils and other representative groups. (Gospel 2003) By joining forces with non-union representative groups unions may play an important role as an autonomous body, both leading and supporting workplace decisions and employee rights.Considering the increasing diversity of employee groups and dynamic work environment, it is arguable that smaller representative groups can better address the different needs of employee groups when compared to a union. Like the legal system, unions must acknowledge the changing work climate, where alternate forms of representation are relevant. By approaching employee representation as the combined effort of unions, work councils, problem solving groups and other forms of representation, unions will be able to more effectively address employee needs and increase their own relevance and influence.