
2017-05-30 03:41

“钻石”代表物理教育技术,在其他国家的老师们在每个主题和分享互动模拟其他老师那里可以下载它,使其适应课堂。该套件包括超过50个研究为基础的模拟,跨越课程的介绍物理学以及先进的物理和化学的样本主题。(帕金斯,等,2006)互动模拟是免费的,不需要使用互联网服务。这种模拟的目的是高度互动,从事和开放的学习环境,在课堂上,提供动画反馈给学生以及。这种模拟提供教师和学生高度直观,物理概念的动态表征。此外,模拟寻求建立明确的桥梁学生世界的日常理解和基本的物理原理之间。例如在静电,使用仿真模型来解释静电感应和传导充电行为是否真的适用于材料多利普S.R. Alessi &等,(1991)定义的模拟教育作为一个功能强大的技术,让学生通过复制或模仿它的某些方面的世界。模拟还允许学生以类似的方式与他们在现实情况下的反应方式进行交互。学生也扮演一个真实的角色进行复杂的任务与模拟。
Phet stands for Physics education technology, where the teachers from other country come up with interactive simulation in each subject and share to other teacher where they can download it and adapt it to the classroom. The suite includes over 50 research-based simulations that span the curriculum of introductory Physics as well as sample topics from advanced Physics and chemistry. (Perkins, et al., 2006) The interactive simulation are free and does not require to use internet services. This simulations are designed to be highly interactive, engaging and make open learning environment in the classroom that provided animated feedback to the students as well. This simulation provide teacher and students higly visual, dynamic representations of Physics concepts. Furthermore, the simulations seek to build explicit bridges between students' everyday understanding of the worl and the underlying physical principles. For example in electrostatic, using simulation as the model to explain the static charges really behave if induction or conduction charging apply to the material etc.Alessi & Trollip S.R., (1991) defined simulation in education as a powerful technique that gave students some aspect of the world by replicating or imitating it. The simulations also allow students to interact with it in a similar manner to the way they would react in real situations. Students also play an authentic role carrying out complex tasks with the simulations.