
2017-06-07 01:08

重要的是要注意,当人们融入新的群体,尤其是在线学习环境融入环境,但保留自己的文化组成部分。Carabajal,拉普安特,和古纳瓦德纳(2003)写道:“每一个在线的组成员带来了他或她的存在的显性和隐性知识、信仰系统、认知能力和个人的方式构建新知识的群体”(225页)。这些东西往往会发现他们的方式,如何学习相关的学习材料,以自己的生活。然而,重要的是要了解人们如何改变和吸收他人,因为他们进入一个群体。Gunawardena,Wilson,和Nolla(2003)认为人的行为方式取决于他们是谁,与当时,“一个人可以集体倾向在家庭和亲密的朋友和个人主义倾向,与陌生人或在工作”(754页)。虽然这是真实的,教师、设计师和学生都必须意识到,“你和其他大多数人一样,也有强烈的倾向去插入一个默认的语言成分的值的集合,当他们不提供的”,“这些默认值通常是基于文化在你成长”(Carabajal,拉波因特,和者,2003,p. 134)。在网络环境下,这是尤其如此,因为没有转换到物理课堂“其他参与者仍然在他们的环境中,你仍然在你的”和“你的同伴的机会,否则你会忠于你的当地文化是更大的”(133页)。
It is important to note that people, when merging into new groups-especially online learning environments assimilate into the environment, but retain their cultural components within themselves. Carabajal, LaPointe, and Gunawardena (2003) write that "each online group member brings his or her existing explicit and tacit knowledge, belief systems, cognitive abilities, and individual ways of constructing new knowledge to the group" (p. 225). These things often find their way into messages about how the learner correlated the learning materials to their own life. However, it is important to understand how people change and assimilate to others as they enter a group. Gunawardena, Wilson, and Nolla (2003) believe that people act differently depending on who they are interacting with at the time and that "a person could have collective tendencies at home and with close friends and individualistic tendencies with strangers or at work" ( p. 754). While this is true, instructors, designers, and students alike have to be aware "you, and most other people, have a strong tendency to insert a default set of values for the nonverbal components when they are not supplied" and that "these defaults are usually base on the culture in which you were raised" (Carabajal, LaPointe, & Gunawardena, 2003, p. 134). In online environments this is especially the case because there is no conversion to a physical classroom-the "other participants are still in their environments and you are still in yours" and "the chance that your fellow participants, or you will stay true to your local culture is greater" (p. 133).